Face to Face

Facebook Monday

Facebook Monday

Wednesday: Where’s the Beef!

I had 6 interviews scheduled Monday, but two people ended up having to cancel.  Which was fine, after all, talking about colons isn’t necessarily something you wan to do all day.  Between appointments, I referenced the project on Facebook, which brought a flood of comments from a bunch of folks I know (including one who was getting ready to anchor a noon newscast).



And the people I know who didn’t comment on that decided to comment on a quiz I took. Let me say that the only reason I can identify McDonald’s products so easily is because I worked there in high school and college.

While I was on FB, I got to take a look at a few photos from the going-away party I attended on Saturday. Nice to revisit an afternoon where only a couple of people tried to embarrass me (thanks guys). I’d tell the story here, but it was embarrassing, and could embarrass someone else too… So my lips are sealed on that one.

Celebrity Drive By

Today's Celebrity Visitor

Today's Celebrity Visitor

I was on a call with two people and trying to return a text from one of the people who had to cancel when we had a brush with greatness in the bullpen today. One of the producers is working with Alexis Grace, who was very good on “American Idol” this season. They came into the office while I was on the phone. Turns out they’re both big Pittsburgh Steelers fans. I didn’t go into “fan” mode, since I was doing so much other stuff at that moment, but from what I could gather, she seemed really nice and down-to-earth… which is pretty much what everyone said during her Idol run. While we didn’t get a chance to chat, we did the eye-contact, head-nod. It’s nice to see people relatively unaffected by fame.


moving the right way...

moving the right way...

I’ve had all day to write this post, but it’s actually after midnight, so this week, Monday’s post is actually Monday’s post. Continuing to lose, although I took a slightly different tack this past week.  The week before, I had fewer, smaller meals, but only lost a couple of pounds.  I didn’t skip as much this week, but still had small meals, and I think I’ve done at least as well.

I ended up going to two of the three parties I was invited to, and while I did eat, I drank very little at one place, didn’t drink at all at the other, and didn’t touch any of the cake or other sweets at either place.  Lemme tell you, for me, that was a major challenge.

My main goal was to lose at least 15 pounds before heading to my next doctor’s appointment in September… I’m pretty sure I’ll make that goal. If I can get 2-0-something, that’ll be gravy.  Unlike other fitness episodes, I haven’t had any problems with my knees aching, which is great… although the ice packs are ready.

I don’t want to sound vain, but I found out I’ve got a high school reunion coming up.  It’d be nice not to be the alum with the biggest weight gain if I’m able to go. Since I haven’t lived in Ohio for years, and haven’t really kept up with my former classmates, I’ve missed most of the class reunions.  I made it to the 20th back in ’94 because somebody mentioned something to my brother.  Missed the 10th, 25th and 30th.  My high school sweetheart mentioned it to me on Facebook, which led me to the folks doing the organizing.  It might be nice to see how everyone is after 15 more years.


NC Bound

NC Bound

It’s time to say goodbye to a couple of nice people as they head off on a major adventure I’ve mentioned the Richardson’s before. Jessica (the high-spirited one), was a co-worker at that place I used to work at but try not to mention anymore. Jordan (the strong, stabilizing one) has joined the Air Force, so it’s off to Seymour Johnson AFB for the both of them, leaving behind family and friend in Tennessee.

A bunch of us turned out for a farewell get-together for them on Saturday, which is pretty much why I missed the candlelight vigil at Graceland (which is fine, since I’ve been there before).

Everybody’s sorry to see them go, but they’re practically still newlyweds, and deserve some adventure. It’s nice to have more in front of you than behind.  I also found out that Jessica’s replacement will be taking my old cubicle. I told her it’s haunted.